One of the Grow Northwest’s strategic initiatives is Safety & Security. Public safety and low crime rates are key ingredients to the economic vibrancy and health of a community. Through the assistance of Constable Mark Herman’s Precinct 4 office, we have been tracking crime statistics in northwest Houston in four categories, aggravated assault, burglary of business, robbery of business and burglary of a motor vehicle(BMV). A recent compilation of this data is demonstrating an encouraging trend. In 3 of 4 categories, crime has been trending downward since 2015. The one outlier, BMVs, which is experiencing exponential growth nationwide, showed a 34% decrease in calls for service in Q1 2018 from its peak in Q2 2017. Of course, the intent is these trends will continue in a downward trajectory. Through your ongoing vigilance and measured steps to deter criminal activity, and the improved efforts of our local law enforcement agencies, will believe this will be the case.


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