If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency please call or text 911.
- Harris County Facebook: www.facebook.com/ReadyHarris/
- Office of Emergency Management Website: www.readyharris.org
- City of Houston: 311
- Harris County’s Emergency Recovery Management Center: 713-696-1998
- Harris County Residential Debris and Damage Assessment Hotline: 713-274-3880
- Harris County Pollution Control Services Department: 713-920-2831
- Greater Houston Builders Association: www.ghba.org or 281-990-8970
- Harris County Towed Vehicles: 713-308-8580 or www.findmytowedcar.com
- Harris County Sheriff’s Office: 713-221-6000
- Harris County Precinct 4 Constable: 281-376-3472
- Precinct 4 Community Assistance Department: 281-353-8424
- Harris County Precinct 1: 346-286-1917
- Harris County Evacuation Assistance Registration: 211 or www.211Texas.org
- Road closures: www.drivetexas.org
- Houston/Galveston National Weather Service: srh.noaa.gov/hgx – Twitter @NWSHouston
- Houston Transtar Real Time Traffic Map: traffic.houstontranstar.org/layers – Twitter @houstontranstar
- Harris County Office of Emergency Management: readyharris.org – Twitter @ReadyHarris
- Harris County Flood Warning System (FWS): www.harriscountyfws.org
- Food Pantry Finder: www.houstonfoodbank.org/find-help/agency-locator/ or 832-369-9390
Info gleaned from Hurricane Harvey recovery.
If Your Business Was Affected by Harvey
You may receive tax relief under the Hurricane Tax Relief Act. A simple summary can be accessed here.
1-800-451-1954 or 1-844-965-1386
Please use verified resources to stay updated. Follow our social media to receive the latest news: Facebook and Twitter. As a reminder, do not call 911 to report water in streets and channels, unless there is a threat to personal welfare. All non-life threatening calls should go to Harris County dispatch: 281-376-3472 to prevent overload of the system.
Vehicle Registration Changes
Texas residents in counties impacted by Hurricane Harvey will not have to worry about vehicle titling and registration requirements until October 17, 2017. Governor Greg Abbott suspended certain statutes related to the enforcement of title and registration laws in the 58 counties included in the state’s disaster declaration. For more information, click here.
Tax Relief
The IRS granted tax relief to affected individuals who reside or have a business in 29 counties impacted by Hurricane Harvey. The tax relief automatically extends the filing deadline, for certain individual and business taxpayers who have a valid extension on file, until January 31, 2018. For more information, click here.
Fuel availability
The men and women of the oil and natural gas industry are working around the clock to stabilize the fuel supply chain. As the water recedes and power is being restored, the state’s fuel production and distribution system is being systematically and safely restored. For more information, click here.
Replacing Lost or Damaged Documents
Per Governor Abbot, the Texas Department of Public Safety will be replacing Texas Driver’s Licenses, License to Carry a Handgun (LTC) cards and Private Security Board (PSB) licensee cards for free to eligible residents. Read more details here and here.
- SNAP Card (food stamps): call the LoneStar helpdesk toll-free at 1-800-777-7328.
- Green Cards: Call 800-375-5283 or click here.
- Birth and Death Certificates: Call 888-963-7111 or visit this website.
- Texas Driver’s License: Call 512-424-2600 or click here.
- Bank Checks, ATM/Debit Cards, or Safe Deposit Boxes: Call 877-275-3342 or click here.
- Credit Cards: American Express (800-992-3404), Discover (800-347-2683), MasterCard (800-622-7747), or Visa (800-847-2911).
- Credit Reports: Contact Equifax, Experian, or Transunion at 877-322-8228 or visit annualcreditreport.com
- Social Security Card: Call 800-772-1213 or click here.
- Fraud Alerts or a Credit Freeze: Call 877-438-4338 or click here.
- Medicare Cards: Call 800-772-1213 or click here.
- Passport: Call 202-955-0430 or 877-487-2778 or click here.
- U.S. Savings Bonds: Call 800-722-2678 or 800-553-2663 or click here.
- Tax Returns: Call 800-829-1040 or click here.
- Military Records: Call 866-272-6272 or click here.
- Vehicle Titles: Call 888-368-3689 or click here.
- Replace a Texas Marriage Record or Certificate: Visit this website for statewide information or visit this site for your issuing Clerk of Court.
- Proof of Address/Residency: Click here.
We are currently collecting data for business-to-business volunteering/assistance opportunities, so business owners, please let us know if you have a need or can provide a service for your fellow business owners. If you are a searching for a specific disaster relief opportunity to assist with right now, not necessarily business related, please visit:
VOAD (National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster): www.nvoad.org/hurricane-harvey/volunteer/
Volunteer Match: www.volunteermatch.org
Volunteer Houston: www.volunteerhouston.org
Helpers of Houston: www.helpersofhouston.com/volunteer/
REPORT YOUR VOLUNTEER HOURS: reportyourhours.com/
Donations Hotline: 1-800-924-5985
DisasterAssistance.Gov: Do you need a place to stay? Are you a community leader looking for resources? Visit: www.disasterassistance.gov
- Road closures: www.drivetexas.org
- Houston/Galveston National Weather Service: srh.noaa.gov/hgx – Twitter @NWSHouston
- Houston Transtar Real Time Traffic Map: traffic.houstontranstar.org/layers – Twitter @houstontranstar
- Harris County Office of Emergency Management: readyharris.org – Twitter @ReadyHarris
- Harris County Facebook: www.facebook.com/ReadyHarris/
- Office of Emergency Management Website: www.readyharris.org
- Harris County’s Emergency Recovery Management Center: 713-696-1998
- Harris County Residential Debris and Damage Assessment Hotline: 713-274-3880
- Harris County Pollution Control Services Department: 713-920-2831
- Greater Houston Builders Association: www.ghba.org or 281-990-8970
- Harris County Towed Vehicles: 713-308-8580
- Harris County Sheriff’s Office: 713-221-6000
- Harris County Precinct 4 Constable: 281-376-3472
- Precinct 4 Community Assistance Department: 281-353-8424
- Harris County Evacuation Assistance Registration: 211
Stay Informed:
What to do if Your Car was Damaged: Resources from the DMV
FAQs about Probation, Jury Duty and Trial Post-Harvey
CenterPoint Energy Outage Tracker
Help After Harvey: Resources from TX Department of Insurance
Harvey: How to File Now for Help from FEMA
Marking Yourself As Safe & Finding Loved Ones
Hilton Garden Inn Cypress Station Offers Lowered Rates to the Victims of Floods