The Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce stamps 95% of documents online via essCert. A handful of countries do still require a physical stamp with a raised-indentia seal. Should you require a physical stamp and signature on your document, please call our office to make an appointment: (281) 440-4160. See pricing & requirements here.
Discover why progressive chambers, exporters and freight forwarders have eliminated paper processing of Certificates of Origin
Chambers of Commerce play a central role in facilitating global trade. These services include the issuing of Certificates of Origin (COO) and other supporting documents for exporters. Current practice sees Certificates of Origin couriered to the Chamber of Commerce for certification – an costly, inefficient and time-consuming paper-based process for chambers, exporters and freight forwarders. The costs associated with paper based COO certification practices include:
- Courier costs
- Appointments/scheduling
- Productivity losses
- Workflow inefficiencies
- Increased certification turnaround times
- Delays/missed Deadlines
essCert presents a complete solution to the challenges that chambers and exporters experience by turning the existing paper-based process for stamping and signing of trade documents into a streamlined electronic system – providing chambers and their members real value in cost savings and efficiency gains.
✓ Saves times and money – no more couriers
✓ Faster documentation certification turnaround times – no more missed deadlines
✓ User friendly online web solution
✓ Increased compliance and record keeping
✓ essCert is the Industry Standard, and is designed to cater for all submission types.
✓ Allows Exporters and Trade Service providers to electronically process their export documents irrespective of how they are created
Click here to be redirected to essCert.